“To the Miserable Craving Company” —(Guest Blogger Post)

We are living in a time of transition, and perhaps that is why we cannot seem to grasp the change approaching, whether we like it or not. Change is hard, the unknown is terrifying. This might be why we cannot seem to treat people as they deserve unless the government regulates it, and lets you know exactly how, when, why, where, and who you should be nice to. Are we really reaching that level of pathetic? Are we really this disillusioned and broken? Honestly, it hurts me every single day to know what is going on, the lies, corruption, slavery, theft, and darkness working behind the population as they happily wear their blinders, and focus on the new American Idol contestant. This is a common idea from many people, that this world is controlled by evil and we just don’t have a damn chance. I’ve spoken to friends and family about the anarcho-capitalist ideology, or even just some of the “conspiracies” that turned out to be true, and the evil that still lurks there. The response is always, “Well, its terrible but what are WE going to be able to do?”

And there it is, the problem. People want change, but won’t help. People are depressed, yet they are rolling around in piles of money. Why? The willing ignorance of the population is the problem with this world. I feel very sad for these people, simply because they’ve been absolutely bamboozled. Lied to, stolen from, owned before they leave the womb. Here’s an example: We’re supposed go to preschool, then elementary, then junior high, learn to drive at 16, then high school, then college in 20s, then career, then marriage and family, then misery, then death. This is expected by every person before they even enter the world. It just doesn’t seem like a very voluntary society when those who think outside of the box are considered weird, lame, and unsuccessful, because it’s nearly impossible to pursue a life separate of a college degree, and don’t forget the expense on that. They aren’t the problem, the problem is focusing on one type of human, and expecting everyone else to conform. If you set up society for people whom only fit in a rectangle, the people who fit into circles will be left behind immediately.

I wish it was simple, and people were just dumb, and all they needed was guidance. I used to believe this, I used to have a lot of hope that we’d all come around, we’d all come together. However, as time moves on, that hope is slowing fading away. I just feel suffering, I hear suffering, I see suffering. When I go out in public now, I rarely see a smile from anyone. We’re pulling away from each other, we’re losing what held our structure, our society, from collapsing. I don’t believe that humans are inherently evil, that does nothing but ruin what we truly are. Why are we different from animals? Why the hell do you think we’ve made it this far, do you really think it’s because of violence or religion? My personal opinion is nope.

People will disagree with me, but this is my opinion. What got us to this point was our ability to not only recognize our emotions, but to use them to our benefit. We felt love, compassion, empathy, and togetherness. Of course our ability to think critically also contributed, but I don’t believe it’s the only thing that pushed us forward. It’s our ability to not only feel, but know what we’re feeling, and also be aware of what we are. Perhaps this ability is more of a curse than a blessing. Perhaps existence itself is the pain inside, because you aren’t even sure what the hell the emotions are supposed to be for. I think people are confused thanks to media, the media that ignores our natural instincts that help us through life. That’s why those extincts are there to begin with.

This is a long rant, more than anything, but this all has a point. My point is, open your eyes. You don’t have to agree with me, you don’t have to like me, and you can think I’m an idiot, but please, look around. Do you ever ask yourself why people are unhappy? Do you ever ask yourself what you believe in? Would you die for it? Would you die for the people you claim to love? Do you even know who you are?

I know a lot of people who ask themselves these questions everyday and will never know the answer. That is the problem with our society. We have stopped loving each other for our uniqueness, and our ability to use our power of self awareness, to our benefit and not our detriment. If we focused more on empathy, and less on anger, we will begin to improve. Unfortunately, most are conditioned to feel this is stupid, or unattainable, so please, ask yourself the questions. Are you conditioned by society? Are you happy?

I can only hope you find the answers you truly need. Existence itself is a painful adventure, but let’s make the fucking best of it.

Thanks for reading. This post was written by Madison. She is another anarcho-capitalist from Twitter and brings a very unique perspective. I encourage you to follow her @jawpop on Twitter. Make sure to let her know you enjoyed it! 

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