Open Letter to Trump Supporters

This blog post has its beginnings on the day of the election. The storylines stemming from mail in vote fraud to Trump’s big court fight to Biden’s victory and Trump’s defeat, culminating in a second impeachment and Biden inauguration. These headlines plus the bitter partisan divide that occurred in 2016 mixed with open conflict in both parties, has created a unique opportunity. The opportunity to make significant changes in how conservatives, more specifically Trump supporters handle their political actions. This is an open letter, an olive branch from an outsider, a former republican myself, an apolitical anarchist.

If you happen to scroll through my blog you won’t find me cheering or jeering Trump. I do criticize him just as I do any politician. Here’s the rub: I’m fully against any government run by anybody in any conceivable way. However, I’m not asking you to abandon Trump or your loyalty to him. There is a short game and long game in this struggle against the neoliberal system we currently live in. The short game is where I want to ally with Trump supporters. The long game will be different for each of us. My long game is to live peacefully without government. I’m not asking Trump supporters to back me on this. What I am asking is that Trump supporters take me on as an ally in the short game which is to tear down this neoliberal system. You may ask me: cool dude but why the fuck do I wanna do this?

Listen closely, the neoliberal system has engineered the government, the congress, the war machine, the media and the presidency to do its bidding. The underlying currents and operators are the corporations who use government monopoly to manipulate the market. In addition to the Military Industrial Complex which influences all levels of society to make war and rack up maximum profits. Trump was an outsider. Trump was molded and fenced in just like every other president. It wasn’t his fault.

The neoliberal system chose to push Trump out of office. It’s clear that his gigantic mouth got him in hot water. Unfortunately, this means the neoliberal system rigged the election. This should piss you off as a Trump supporter. The system betrayed you. One of the thing’s that my anarchist beliefs have in common with your anger is that we both want significant changes to occur. We can work together to make it happen. With a combined 100 million strong coalition of libertarians, anarchists and Trump supporters, we have an irrefutable force for change. We must tear down the fabric of the neoliberal system. In its place, we can separate and set up our own way of life. Trump can be president again. Anarchists can live peacefully away from government. It’s a win-win.

If you are down to join the cause, then we can start planning our road to victory. We can take down this system by attacking its core. We have to embrace alternative currencies. Embrace agorism. We have to build networks of 3D printed guns and bullets. We have build a society that values voluntary interactions. Family values used to be an important conservative value. Let’s make it great again. Once we establish a network and support system, we start to push back on the system by not participating in it. 100 million or even 70 million people refusing to vote or pay taxes could potentially send a strong enough message that we aren’t fucking with this. This isn’t a revolution. It’s an evolution. So, my point is that I’m asking if you want the ability to set up your children’s future in a more stable environment with less conflict. All I merely asking is cooperation. At the end, you get Trump in a powerful position. I get to be left alone. Nobody goes home sorry.

If you are a Trump supporter who read this whole thing, thank you for listening. I hope you will consider it. Just think about how Biden and Harris will try to demonize your beliefs and raise you taxes. The left has already banned Trump from any social media. Their coming for you next. They want to silence the opposition. Don’t let them. Join the liberty movement to fight for your voice and freedom. Nobody can save you but yourself.

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