The Statist’s Bible: Pandemic Edition

If you missed my previous edition of this, then you can click here to read it. The last time I wrote one of this, I triggered a bunch of people. Let’s see if I can do it again. Its weird that bootlickers take such offense to their own arguments being called out. If your arguments were actually good I wouldn’t be able to even say anything. That being said, this is a parody, so if your mad then go be a Karen somewhere else because I don’t want to hear it.

In the first edition, I said I might expand it in the future. I didn’t realize the future would materialize this soon. This pandemic has really brought the stupid, especially in bootlickers. We can be honest in saying that state worshipers are always blind to their stupidity. This edition will feature some common phrases and arguments from statists during this pandemic. All them seem to try to justify state intervention to “save lives”.

Chapter 8: Infectious Sate Intervention

8:1; If it SAVES just ONE LIFE then its worth it! (Yes, because economic slaughter of millions to save a few thousand sick is totally worth!)

8:2: We’re all in this together! (Except Politicians, Celebrities and Elites because only plebs follow rules)

8:3; Follow the orders (Masks, Social Distancing, lockdown; no critical thinking allowed.)

8:4; Trump isn’t a socialist, he is just helping by giving out stimulus money! (totally not stolen!)

8:5; Trump hasn’t done enough to help! (See 8:4)

8:6; If you don’t want to keep everyone locked down, then you want everyone to DIE!

8:7 Narc-ing on your fellow citizens is your civil duty! (Karens Unite)

8:8; Money Printer go Brrrrr (Printing lots of money could never go wrong!)

Once again, this is a parody. The common sense approach to personal health is to do whats best for you and others. If you are keeping yourself safe then its likely others will be safe as well.

The Statist Bible is the go-to book for the rote memorization and repetition of statist worship arguments. I hope that you will study it closely because when you engage with Statists, you will run into these arguments. The state indoctrination or brainwashing by state creates NPCs who just repeat the same tired arguments no matter what response is given.

Thanks for reading!

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