Alfie Evans: Socialized Healthcare is a complete FAILURE. Alfie is DEAD.

*UPDATE* Alfie Evans has died at 2:30am British time on April 28th. The Government has officially murdered a baby. It is a sad and disgusting day for humanity. Rest In Peace, Alfie.

I don’t believe this is a hot take. If you are even remotely in support of ANY of the actions that the British government/NHS has done towards Alfie Evans, then get the FUCK off my blog. You human scum. 

Sorry. I typically avoid using emotionally charged arguments or completely dismiss the opposition. But in this special case I will forever condemn you to bloody hell if you support this TRAGEDY perpetrated by the British. I have three basic objections to what is happening in Britain with Alfie Evans. Now if you haven’t heard about this then HERE is a run-down.

Hospitals must save lives!

One of the most immoral and disgusting things about this case, is that Alfie Evans is LITERALLY being held hostage by the hospital. They have police guards, and the doctors REFUSE to treat the baby. This is an absolutely disgrace to humanity. What the fucking hell did this poor baby DO to them? The Doctors should be jailed. They had absolutely no right to take Alfie off of life support. Treat his disease. The baby is only 23 months old. Not even two years. Even worse, there are doctors in Italy who are willing to treat the kid. Brings me to my next point:

Government IS NOT allowed to kill with “Dignity”!

The British government decided to somehow to block Alfie from being able to go to Italy for treatment. Apparently, because the British government would have to pay for it. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! Listen, if your going to have SOCIALIZED medicine, the point is that GOVERNMENT PAYS FOR YOUR SHIT. This has to be legit the worse court decision in human history. Even worse than this, British health officials said that ” Alfie will die with dignity.” or some gross line. So let me get this straight: If someone wants to commit suicide with the help of doctor, its illegal. If someone wants to do closet abortion, its illegal and wrong. If your friend helps kill you for suicide, its murder. Yet, if the government benevolently decides to kill you with dignity then ITS TOTALLY FINE!!!!!

This is insanity! I don’t just feel bad for the baby but the parents. I would literally lose my mind. I would keep trying to sue them until they kill me. This is a GROSS overstep of government intervention.

Socialized Medicine DOES NOT WORK. Stop advocating for it.

Let’s face it, with this Alfie Evans situation, regardless of outcome, mind you right now Alfie is still breathing nearly 72 hours after being taken off life support. If Alfie Evans dies, it is on the British Government. The blood is on their hands. If Alfie Evans lives, the parents should move somewhere far away from Britain and BURN their fucking passports. If we set aside the emotional side of this story and just look at the bigger picture of government run healthcare, we can see that its a failure.

The utter failure of socialized medicine is disgusting. This case proves that we can never let government run our healthcare. Murder is immoral. It doesn’t matter how you justify it. I personally don’t want the government to make MY healthcare decisions for me. My doctor and I are responsible for that, alone. The government has no business in healthcare. The free market can provide cheap and fair healthcare with minimally invasive regulations and rules. Alfie Evans NEVER deserved this. The baby did nothing wrong. How can you let the government KILL A FUCKING BABY!

If you support free universal healthcare or socialized healthcare or single payer, you are a murderer. You are literally supporting the government’s right to KILL you with dignity whenever they want. Even the POPE, who is a known socialist, said that Britain should let Alfie go to Italy for care.

We have to wake up because we will become like Britain, killing toddlers with dignity for no reason. I believe that cheap healthcare is NOT more important than healthcare that doesn’t allow for killing with dignity. The cost of a human life is priceless.

Socialized ANYTHING is cancer. Please stop supporting.

I stand with Alfie Evans. I stand with is right and moral.

Stand up with me.

Thank you for reading!

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