Shadow Deep State; How your Government is a Puppet State

As I promised in my first post of the year, I am back to writing. My inspiration comes from an article I read as it usually does. I think this article puts together everything I’ve been thinking is happening. You might be aware of what this is about if you read the title. Here is the article, its very long, read the whole thing. I’m not going to discuss all of it. Let me be clear, that this article isn’t the end all be all. Its a fairly comprehensive summary of evidence that there is a shadow deep state. There is a few important points that I want to give my opinions on. Here’s a short list:

  1. WEF training future Prime Ministers/ World Leaders
  2. Pandemic’s role/ Bill Gates Foundation
  3. Technocracy/ Central Banks

I believe that once you understand that behind curtain there are a bunch of evil, beyond wealthy, bad actors who are pulling the strings then you see who the real enemy is. Yes I was once a naive conservative to libertarian to now anarchist finally seeing the world clearly. It honestly doesn’t take much research to confirm that all of this lines up. So keep an open mind. This is mission critical.

WEF training future Prime Ministers/ World Leaders

The World Economic Forum is an organization run by one of the shadow deep state actors, Klaus Schwab. This evil organization openly admits their goals of a new world order. They aren’t hiding nothing. In the article, they quote Schwab basically bragging about all the leaders they have trained.

“Mrs Merkel, even Vladimir Putin, and so on, they have all been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and I know that half of this cabinet, or even more than half of this cabinet, are for our… actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.”

Klaus Schwab, Harvard Seminar 2017

Although the Putin claim is disputed, it still stands that an majority of world leaders have been indoctrinated and influenced by the shadow deep state. One of the other pieces of this, which is talked about later on in the article, is that think-tanks often say they are mostly reactive. But in reality, the think-tanks that provide policy opinions are actually used. This comes into play when we talk about the role of the pandemic.

Another piece of many world leaders being WEF trained is the fabrication of different crisises and scandals that make it look like they might be real tensions. However, the reality is that all these leaders understand the plan. They are all in on the Great Reset and Build Back Better. If you look at how Trudeau is handling the trucker convoy in Canada with the passage of Emergency Powers. These powers expand his ability to control bank activity and spy on citizens. It small steps like this that help reinforce the bigger strategy, a movement toward a technocracy new world order.

You are probably well aware of the Russia/Ukraine conflict. Well just remember many of the NATO allied countries have leaders trained in WEF. Putin was trained by WEF as well. Is this tension/conflict real? What’s really at stake here? I’m sure there is some ulterior motive here, especially with sanctions. The gas pipeline to Germany being shut down. A lot of these so called tensions or conflicts are manufactured as a distraction, the article goes over this at the end. It cites a lot of the trade war under Trump with China.

To wrap up this section, the training by the WEF dissolves any real disagreement by world leaders. It ensures that the deep shadow state keeps the actual nation-states in line. These world leaders have bought into the program. The scary part is yet to come.

Pandemic’s Role/ Bill Gates Foundation

The pandemic of 2020 always felt very strange. It came about in weird circumstances and in a random way. But the handling of it by governments around the world was even more strange. The article does a good job of explaining this. But when I read it, I found two things to be very alarming. The first was that a UK politician basically admitted that its COVID policy was following the same written policy put out by the Bill Gates Foundation.

Let that sink in. Bill Gates Foundation is a NGO/ non-profit run by its namesake. They aren’t elected or vetted. The UK, a modern constitutional republic just decided to use a think-tank version of a healthcare plan. As far as I know Bill Gates didn’t make money in healthcare, not a doctor or a nurse. The UK has its own healthcare branch the NHS which one would think has actual doctors in it. Its beyond belief that the UK would even trust this plan. Its all complicit and feeds into the goal of a new world order.

Its not too hard to think that most world leaders took a page from the Bill Gates Foundation or similar deep shadow state actors. It does explain why most of the COVID policies make zero sense medically and are geared toward obedience and conformation.

Technocracy/ Central Banks

I went pretty vague with my topic title here. The article devotes a good chunk to the technocracy. Technocracy is an important element in the new world order. Technocracy is basically the ruling enforcement. The shadow deep state is going throw out the old ways of democracy, freedom of speech, inalienable rights and all the like. Instead, they will use social credit, central planning, and central banking. The Technocracy method of ruling is best exemplified in China where the majority of Chinese are under some kind of technocratic economic/social credit system.

The technocracy system is being implemented world wide. As I mentioned earlier in Canada, Trudeau passed those Emergency powers which granted him the ability to freeze bank accounts. This is a step towards that technocracy. Its pretty well known this the goal of the Bill Gates Foundation as well. The article mentions the introduction and more recently receding vaccine passports. The vaccine passport is merely a stepping-stone for a much broader and wider social credit system.

The other very important element which goes beyond the Trudeau Emergency powers is the Central Bank cryptocurrency. You might have heard about this, banks like Chase or Bank of America developing their own crypto coins. This is no coincidence. Sure, the rise of Bitcoin and other shitcoins has somewhat fueled it. But the real reason behind bank backed crypto coins is ultimately for the ability for banks to own the money fully. In other words, you might be able to hold the crypto in a bank approved wallet or account. However, your ability to use that crypto will be based upon your social credit score.

This might be a controversial opinion but I think the shadow deep state is studying how Bitcoin and other cryptos work. They are probably sharing that information with central banks like the Federal Reserve and EU. The behaviors exhibited by Bitcoin is informing them how to create a trackable, controlled crypto coin. I have long been wondering why governments around the world haven’t been more strict on bitcoin. (exception to the rule is China who banned it)


My conclusion is fairly simple, we need to suss out those shadow deep state actors and make sure they remain powerless. Remember government is a puppet for those shadow deep state actors. Also just quick rider point, the article mentions a lot about the role of corporations. I think the point with corporations is that they are just as complicit because if they follow the plan, they make a huge profit. If they resist they are bankrupted. Everything you think you know about the world political scene is probably a lie. The question that is burning in my mind is how do we stop this from happening? What is the solution? I think overthrow of governments around the world is necessary but we might need to go further. If you want more related reading, I’d suggest my previous post about the Neoliberal System which kind of scratches the surface of this shadow deep state.

Thanks for reading!

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